Monday, March 31, 2008

Memetik dan Memilih Bunga

Saat yang tepat untuk memetik bunga potong adalah pagi atau sore hari. Jangan memetik apda siang harimkarena bunga akan cepat layu. Petik bunga yang setengah mek+ar , masukkan ke dalama ember . Simpan di tempat yang lembab dan dimngin, misalnya kamara mandi selama 2 jam. Setelah itu baru ditata dalm vas atau jambangan.

Bila membeli bunga, carikah tempat prnjualan yang terlndung, yang bunganya tidak terkena sinar matahari. Pilihlah bungs yang belum mengeluarkan tepung sari, hal ini sebagai tanda bahwa bunga sudah tua dan tak lama lagi kelpak buna akan berguguran.

Marsiyati; Pandak RT 02, Wjirejo, Pandak ,+ Bantul

Yogyakarta, ,55761

Mengempukkan Rebung

Agar rebung (tunas pohon bambu) menjadi empuk dan tidak kaku, lakukan tindakan berikut. Iris tipis-tpis, masukkan ke dalam panic yang sudah diisi air cucian beras (leri:Jawa) . Diamkan sekitar 20 menit. Kemudian cuci hingga bersih, lalu direbus. Setelah masak, diangkat dan tiriskan. Kini rebung menjadi empuk dan siap diolah menjadi sayur lodeh, gudeg, isi lumpia dsb.

Suhardini; Wirobajan, Wb 2/251, RT 10/RW 02

Yogyakarta, 55252

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Menghilangkan Noda Tinta

Noda tinta pada pakaian sebenarnya mudah dihilangkan. Caranya dengan memanfaatkan cairan pembersih cat kuku, namanya aseton dapat dibeli di toko kimia, harganya pun cukup terjangkau. Celupkan cotton bud ke dalam aseton ,lalu tekan-tekan dan usap perlahan pada permukaan kain yang terkena tinta. Hati-hati bila kainnya tipis, gulingkan cotton bud sambil ditekan saja dan jangan diusapkan. Dengan cara demikian biasanya noda tinta bisa hilang.

Siti Faitul Hsanah SPd, Perum Griya Purwo Asri Blok C-206 RT 11/RW 04, Purwomartani, Kalasan, Sleman, DIY.

Obat Gatal Pada Pangkal Paha

Bila pangkal paha terasa gatal dan sakit bila digaruk, ambil beberapa lembar daun sirih. Rebuslah bersama dengan air dan tawas secukupnya. Setelah mendidih biarkan beberapa saat sehingga suam-suam kuku. Kemudian guinakanlah untuk membersihkan daerah pangkal paha. Lakukan 2-3 kali sehari, sebaiknya setelah mandi.

InsyaAllloh rasa gatal-gatal akan berangsur-angsur hilang.


Mergangsan Lor MG II/1053 Yogyakarta,55151

Tape Mujarap Untuk Ambeien

Banyak sekali obat untuk mencegah ataupun mengobati ambeien. Barangkali berbagai obat apotek dan tradisional sudah dicoba, namun bila cara tersebut belum membuahkan hasil, maka cara ini dapat dicoba. Makanlah tape singkongyang sudah matang betul(sangat lembek) secara rutin sehari 3 kali. Meskipun gejala ambeien sudah menghilang, alangkah baik kebiasaan makan tape diteruskan.

Sukina SP

Bendungan RT 02/RW03 Paseban, Bayat, Klaten ,Jawa Tengah

Mengatasi Rambut Rontok

Bilamana rambut sering rontok, potonglah beberapa helai daun pandan wangi. Cucu bersih, kemudian diblender, selanjutnyua oleskan pada akar rambut, biarkan selama 1-2 jam, kemudian keramas sampai bersih. Lakukan pada pagi hari. Dari cara ini biasanya beberapa hari kemudian rambut tidak rontok lagi, kadang juga tercium harum pandan wangi keluar dari rambut anda.

Hastoro Dwinantoaji

Mahasiswa Program Studi Keperawatan Fakultas Kedokteran UGM Yogyakarta.

Ramuan Mujarab Obat Flu

Gejala flu bila tidak segera diatasi kadang bisa merembet ke penyakit lain seperti batuk, panas, hidung tersumbat. Ada resep sederhana untuk mengatasinya.

Campur 1 sendok makan air jeruk nipis, 1 satu sendok makan air jahe, 1 sendok makan air bawang putih dan 2 sendok makan madu murni. Semua bahan tadi diaduk hingga rata, lalu minum pagi dan sore.

Suparno Singgih Mintarjo,

Sambirejo RT 05/RW 2 Semanu, Wonosari, Gunungkidul, DIY 55893

Daun Sirih Mengusir Semut

Ada beberapa cara mengusir semut. Diantaranya dengan daun sirih. Bila makanan atau minuman diserbu kawanan semut, ambil beberapa lembar daun sirih letakkan disekitar makanan dan minuman tadi niscaya semut-semut yang mengerubungi InsyaAlloh akan pergi.

Aris Irianti,

SMP 3 Jl.Mahdihusodo 3 Kutoarjo Purworejo, Jawa Tengah

Thursday, March 13, 2008

How to Make Sandwich Rolls with Your Bread Machine

For that next picnic or family outing, consider making sandwich rolls with your bread machine. They are quick and easy and so much better than what you buy from the stores.

Take any bread machine mix. Mix according to the package directions but set your machine on the "dough" setting so that the machine will mix your bread for you, let it rise and then beep when it is time to bake.

Remove the dough from the machine and divide with a knife into eight equal pieces. Form a round or oval roll with each. Place them on a greased baking sheet with room to expand. Using the heel of your hand, flatten each roll. The elasticity in the dough will tend to make the rolls spring back. Let the dough relax for a few minutes and repeat the process. Cover the rolls with plastic wrap and let the rolls rise until doubled-an hour or so depending on the mix and the room temperature.

If you care to put sesame seeds or poppy seeds on your rolls, mix one egg white with one tablespoon of water. Just before baking, brush the mixture onto the tops of the rolls and then sprinkle with seeds. The egg white will keep the seeds in place.

Bake the rolls at 375 degrees for about fifteen minutes or until done. Remove them to a wire rack to cool.

For more articles like this visit The Bakers' Library.

© 2004 The Prepared Pantry

Daun Sirih Mengusir Semut

Ada beberapa cara mengusir semut. Diantaranya dengan daun sirih. Bila makanan atau minuman diserbu kawanan semut, ambil beberapa lembar daun sirih letakkan disekitar makanan dan minuman tadi niscaya semut-semut yang mengerubungi InsyaAlloh akan pergi.

Aris Irianti,
SMP 3 Jl.Mahdihusodo 3 Kutoarjo Purworejo, Jawa Tengah

Merawat perut pasca melahirkan

Setelah melahirkan perut menjadi kendur dan bekas perut berwarna hitam ada di mana-mana.

Anda bisa mencoba ramuan yang sudah dipraktekan dan membuat perut saya kembali kencang, mulus seperti perut para gadis.

Ambil 3 sendok makan kapur sirih (injet:jw), campur dengan 2 sendok teh minyak kayu putih. Aduk rata. Lalu masukkan air perasan jeruk nipis (1 buah ukuran kecil).

Aduk lagi sehingga seperi pasta agak encer. Lulurkan di seluruh perut bagian depan dan belakang, jangan ada gerakan menekan atau memijat. Tutup dengan handuk tipis melingkar/membungkus tubuh. Ikat dengan kain pembalut /selendang/stagen.

Lakukan pada malam hari sebelum tidur. Pagi hari dicuci bersih sambil mandi. Terapi ini dapat dilakukan setelah melahirkan hingga 40 hari. Kalau hasilnya ingin lebih baiklagi, bisa dilanjutkan hingga 2 bulan. Hasilnya InsyaAlloh perut kembali menjadi mulus dan kencang.

US Mariana Dewi SS,
Sagan GK V/833

How to Cook Rice Right

The easiest way to make rice well every time is to use a rice cooker. If you don't have one, or don't want one, though, here's a no-fail recipe for rice that one of my grandmothers taught my mother, who taught me. This one, I use mainly for seasoned rice dishes because things can be added to it before boiling, or broth (a plain soup) can be used in place of water.

This is for 4 substantial servings (4 rice bowls).

You will need:

  • 1 large saucepan, or a short pot.
  • 2 cups of white rice, preferably persian, glutinous, or converted, depending on how sticky you like it.
  • 2 tablespoons of butter, margarine, rendered fat, or vegetable oil.
  • water or broth as needed (usually 3 to 3.5 cups)
  • salt to taste


1.Put the rice in the bottom of the saucepan, and wash it thoroughly by rinsing, and then pouring off the cloudy water. Repeat until you
can recognize grains of rice through the water, and then pour this last rinse out.

2.Put your middle finger in the saucepan until it touches the bottom, and put in water or broth until the level reaches the second line of
your finger.

3.Add your salt and oil.

4.Place on the stove, and cover loosely, which means there should be a centimeter of space between the side of the cover and the edge
of the pot or saucepan.

5.Turn on the stove at medium/low heat, and leave it alone for about 20 minutes.

6.Check to see if it's done, and if not, come back every 5 minutes.

7.If you need to check, and can't tell from looking at the top, stick a spoon in the middle, and push gently to the side to see if there is any
water left. If there is, then move the rice back to cover the hole. Try not to touch it too much.

8.If you run out of water before the rice is the level of softness you want, in the well you make in it for checking, just pour a quarter cup of hot water to the middle, and move the rice back over to cover the water.

9.When it's done, turn off the heat, and cover the rice completely, and let it sit for 5 minutes.

10.Stir, and then serve.

Then, there is the other absolute sure-fire way that my other grandmother taught me. This is how I cook rice when I want it somewhat plain.

You will need:

  • However much rice you want up to 5 cups.
  • A pot of water, salted, with about a tablespoon of oil
  • A strainer
  • A large bowl


1.Set the pot of oiled and salted water on high heat.

2.In a large bowl, rinse the rice repeatedly, until the water is somewhat clear.

3.Drain as much water as you can from the rice, and then wait 'til your water on the stove boils.

4.When the water reaches a fast, rolling boil, gently pour in the rice.

5.Stir to make sure the rice doesn't stick together, and then wait.

6.Occasionally stir the rice, and after 10 minutes, check to see if it's done.

7.Check every two minutes after that, and when it's as soft as you like, turn off the heat and then pour the contents of the pot into a


8.Shake the strainer a bit, to get out as much excess water as possible, and then return the rice to the now empty pot.

9.Season to taste, and then serve.

Rice cooked this way can also be used for rice balls, unless it is parboiled rice. Parboiled rice should never be used if you prefer it sticky on its own, but is the best to use when making the deep fried breaded rice balls.

More Rice Tips

For golden coloured rice, stir a teaspoon of turmeric into the water before the rice begins to cook.

Seasoning blocks or bouillon give a nice flavor to rice. It will need to be stirred after cooking to evenly distribute it though.

Use leftover rice to make fried rice. It can also be used to add a bit of starch to a meatloaf in place of bread crumbs.

Never let cooked rice sit out for more than a couple of hours without keeping it very hot. Rice turns very quickly. To serve it at parties that may last awhile, but keep it from burning at the bottom, put it in a pan atop a pan of water that is over a tea light or other warmer. To cool it off quickly before it turns after a meal, transfer it from the pot to smaller containers.

If you are on a salt restricted diet but don't like your rice too sweet, use a couple of dashes of pepper and salt free chicken broth to enhance the taste.

Niki Singleton Webmatron of